welcome to my first blog yg x sberapa ni

content ini mngndungi diary hrian aq so sspe yg copy pste content yg de kt blog aq ni, aq sman kowang!!!!!!!! serius ni!!!!! x men2!!!! content trsbut xde kne-mngne dgn kowang... ONLY ME OK?!!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012


now I know,whats wrong and whats right,
about me,
im not soo perfect...
even myself,
have a weakness,
why me?
what me?
how me?
i want to be somebody,
but i couldn't
im not soo handsome?
im not smart?
im not rich or wealth?
im not cool?
im really grateful...
because im live in this world...
full of many different.....
im glad...